Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another Year

Tonight, after basketball, baseball, tennis, my oldest son and I went out for dinner to celebrate his birthday. We had carpaccio and farfalle alla gorgonzola and pollo alla diavolo and ordered some gnocchi to bring home for the Lovely Bride, who was studying. We told some stories and made some plans and I was reminded, not that I ever forget, how much I love him and how proud I am to be his father.


Anonymous said...

I hope he's not reading this because if I were him I'd be dying of embarassment, except I hope he is reading it, because if I were him, under the embarassment would be a wide river of pleasure that my father admires me.

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a lovely evening, Snag!

fish said...

I would love my children a lot more if I could get them to eat any of the items you had for dinner.

Kathleen said...

happy birthday Snag Jr!

Snag said...

He is a fine young man and I look forward to many years of embarrassing him over many similarly delicious meals.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Did he bite you on the way home?