Monday, February 16, 2009

Roll The Dice

"Hi sweetie," the Lovely Bride said to our youngest. "How did the basketball games go?"

We had a basketball tournament on the other side of town this weekend. Even with five hours between the second and third games it was too far away to come home.

"Won one, lost two," he said.

"It happens," she said.

"Yeah," he said. "We had fun."

"That's good," she said. "What did you do between games?"

"Played pool."

"Played pool? Where?"

"A bar."

She looked at me, then looked back at him. "At a bar?"

"It was great. Dad and me and E. and A., and some other people from the team went out for burgers at this place Dad knows. Then we played pool for a couple hours."

"Please tell me the grown ups weren't drinking," the Lovely Bride said.

"No, just Diet Coke," he said.

"Beer in the afternoon makes me sleepy," I reminded her.

She turned to me. "Why would you take your son to play pool in a bar?"

"They weren't gambling," I said.

"That was a great Las Vegas story you told us," said my youngest.

"Shut up," I told him.

"Go on," the Lovely Bride told him.

"Please don't," I told him.

He did.


Jennifer said...

I thought beer in the afternoon made you happy...

Anonymous said...

Are we going to get to hear the Vegas story? (Or see a picture of your house?)

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Thunder, he won't show us a picture of the house. He's worried it won't look nearly as elegant as BG's manse.

In blogland, it's keeping up with the BG's...

Brando said...

I suspect Snag was drinking when he thought his children would keep a good Vegas story a secret.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Plus, Roll The Bones

That one was for Brando.

And fish.

Jennifer said...

Oh good... the day wasn't bad enough... you had to throw in a little Geddy.

Hey... my verification word was "vibrato"

Oh wait, Snag has no word verification...

Kathleen said...

being sleepy makes Snag happy, Jennifer.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Yes, you have been RushRoll'd....

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Jennifer, I am surprised your verif word wasn't 'castrato'...

Snag said...

The Witness Protection Program people advised me against revealing personal architectural details.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

yes, you guys do NOT want to see my architrave...

Jennifer said...

Castrato would work... and you get bonus points for using architrave. It's been years since I've heard someone use that in a sentence.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

you don't hang out with enough architects.

We also say colonnade

and piano nobile

Brando said...

OMG, that's on my top 5 of least favorite Rush releases ever.

That reminds me, I have to see if I have a piece I wrote after I saw them on their R30 tour. I tried to write something that would be a good magazine article to pitch, but it's really better as a blog piece.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Oh gawd. Here with go with the Rush discussion.

Please save us!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Rush likes the letter Q.....