A long time ago, 6,681 days to be exact, our youngest son was born, joining his two older brothers. And what a time it's been.
We've gone to Field of Dreams
and fields where dreams became real.
We've gone on road trips and hung out in bars.
We've said goodbye to one dog and hello to another.

There's been school
and school plays.

There's been time with family
and, of course, there's been time with Grandma.
There's been playing with friends
and trick or treating with friends
and traveling with friends
and hanging out with friends.
There's been bingo. Oh yes indeed, there's been bingo.
There's been soccer
and basketball

and baseball
and baseball
and baseball
and a championship at the end.
And now, after a long time, 6,681 days to be exact, there's college and infinity and beyond.
Thank goodness tears don't stain blogs, huh, Snag? For either the writer or the reader.
Go break out the bourbon bowl, lick your wounds and maybe... dance naked around the house.
Congrats to Snag Snag Snag, Jr. (Or would that be Snag, Jr Jr Jr?) And wishing a comfortable and speedy adjustment period to Mr and Mrs Snag.
And don't worry, you'll be bitching about his never-ending need for money soon enough!
Perhaps we should all move in with Snag!
I can't handle it!!!!
Just sent my first off to school. I will not cry...
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